Friday, April 19, 2024
ABB StandardsEthicsManagement

Chop-chop! 97 days & we’ve got an answer from UNGC

In December 2017, I sent email to United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Poland asking for opinion about the standards and hypocrisy of ABB.

That’s true I had to ask for an answer twice. That’s true no one has signed the answer using the name, pseudonym or not even …xxx, but most important is a fact that someone deigned!

Let’s be fair – 97 days versus 1118 days (and more) chop-chop! We have got it:


Coalition Spokesmen of Ethics brings together experts in this field. We have sent your inquiry back to this experts, if someone answers, we will send it to you immediately.

As Global Compact Network Poland, we are responsible for cooperation with Polish members of the UN Global Compact. Mentioned company (ABB) in Poland is not a member, so it is not known to us.
On the website of our headquarters,, you can find branches that are members, it is Switzerland, Chile and India. Of course, if there is verified evidence that the company is breaking the UN Global Compact rules, for example proceedings are initiated against it, after the evidence has been provided, the consequences are drawn to the company and such company is excluded from the UN Global Compact with a clear indication of the reason. In this case, you can report it directly to our Headquarters, which is responsible for all members of the world.

Best Regards,

I accept invitation from ABB, let’s write the future, together, UNGC Switzerland  next step.

PS. My favorite part of the letter from UNGC: …if someone answers

#mabbingcom, #ABB, #UNGC, #ABBpractices, #ABBstandards,  #UNGlobalCompact